Release notes
Brief summaries of recent DeepL API releases, such as support for new languages and document formats, new API parameters, and more.
In active development (a couple of highlights):
An official Ruby client library
DeepL Write API
Including number of billed characters in text translation API response
Q3 2024
Added support for a new language for text translation: ZH-HANT (Traditional Chinese). As of this initial release, document translation is not supported for Traditional Chinese. More information is available here.
Q2 2024
Added support for DOCX and PPTX document minification to the PHP client library, making it possible for users to translate documents that exceed DeepL's file size limit due to embedded media. Learn more here.
Added support for API key-level usage reporting. More information is available in the multiple API keys guide.
Launched DeepL Pro in 165 new markets, bringing the total number of markets where DeepL Pro is available to 228. This means users with billing addresses in these markets can create DeepL Pro API and Free API subscriptions.
Added support for new glossary languages: DA (Danish), NB (Norwegian Bokmål), and Swedish (SV).
Added support for SRT (
) files in document translation.
Q1 2024
Added support for multiple API keys in a single account for Pro API and Free API users. More information is available in the multiple API keys guide.
Added support for a new language for text translation: AR (Arabic). As of this initial release, document translation is not supported for Arabic. More information is available here.
Added support for Korean (KO) as a glossary language, increasing the number of supported glossary language pairs from 55 to 66.
Q4 2023
Added support for Microsoft Excel (
) files in document translation.Released the
parameter as an alpha feature for text translation (see Request Body Descriptions table for more information).
Q3 2023
Launched DeepL Pro in South Korea (blog post here). This means users with billing addresses in South Korea can create DeepL Pro API and Free API subscriptions.
Added support for Portuguese (PT), Russian (RU), and Chinese (ZH) as glossary languages, increasing the number of supported glossary language pairs from 28 to 55.
Added support for JSON-encoded requests for all remaining endpoints (note that document upload for document translation still requires
Q2 2023
Added support for user-provided http clients in PHP client library.
Released an official DeepL API Postman collection.
Released in-house PDF translation; removed requirement to send data to the US when translating PDF documents (blog post).
Q1 2023
Released an official DeepL Custom Connector for Microsoft Power Automate.
Added support for glossaries in any combination of two languages from the following list: EN (English), DE (German), FR (French), IT (Italian), PL (Polish), NL (Dutch), ES (Spanish, JA (Japanese). This represents an increase from 8 to 28 supported glossary language pairs.
Added XLIFF as a document translation format (note that only documents from version 2.0 are supported, and there is no support for the legacy 1.2 format).
Added support for new languages for text and document translation: KO (Korean) and NB (Norwegian Bokmål). Blog post here.
Q4 2022
Moved HTML handling out of beta after fixing the most commonly reported user issues.
Released an official Java client library.
Added support for JSON-encoded requests for text translation, usage, and languages endpoints.
Q3 2022
Released an official PHP client library.
Added support for a new language for text and document translation: UK (Ukrainian). Blog post here.
Before Q3 2022
Released an official DeepL API OpenAPI spec.
Released an official NodeJS client library.
Released an official .NET client library.
Released an official Python client library.
Added support for glossaries in the DeepL API.
Released an open-source sample project for translating with DeepL in Google Sheets.
...and much more :)
Last updated