OpenAPI spec for glossary management
Last updated
Last updated
This page contains only a set of guides that is auto-generated from DeepL's OpenAPI file.
For more detail about glossary management, including information about request parameters, please see the Manage glossaries entry.
Retrieve the list of language pairs supported by the glossary feature.
Name to be associated with the glossary.
My Glossary
The language in which the source texts in the glossary are specified.
, de
, en
, es
, fr
, it
, ja
, ko
, nb
, nl
, pl
, pt
, ro
, ru
, sv
, zh
The language in which the target texts in the glossary are specified.
, de
, en
, es
, fr
, it
, ja
, ko
, nb
, nl
, pl
, pt
, ro
, ru
, sv
, zh
The entries of the glossary. The entries have to be specified in the format provided by the entries_format
Hello Guten Tag
The format in which the glossary entries are provided. Formats currently available:
(default) - tab-separated valuescsv
- comma-separated valuesSee Supported Glossary Formats for details about each format.
, csv
List all glossaries and their meta-information, but not the glossary entries.
Retrieve meta information for a single glossary, omitting the glossary entries.
A unique ID assigned to the glossary.
List the entries of a single glossary in the format specified by the Accept
A unique ID assigned to the glossary.
The requested format of the returned glossary entries. Currently, supports only text/tab-separated-values
Deletes the specified glossary.
A unique ID assigned to the glossary.
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